I have been absent for some time from this blog, in large part because I have been consumed for the past several months with holding space for people going through big changes in their lives. This has not been easy. Holding space for change never is. What has been confusing and confounding to me in this process is WHY I've struggled so much with what I'm doing. Helping people who... Read more →

https://novoed.com/creativity13/reports/50142 Last Friday's Work-out-Loud Roundup got away from me, but I'm back in the saddle again this week to share what I've been learning . . . Write a Failure Resume I'm running a 9-month Leadership Academy for a local Chamber of Commerce and yesterday's topic was continuous learning and learning from failures and mistakes. Inspired by some reading I'd been doing on the idea of a failure resume, including... Read more →

How is "Mega Problem Denial Syndrome" Impacting Your Career?

One of my favorite writer/thinkers, Umair Haque published a fantastic post on Friday about what he calls "Mega Problem Denial Syndrome" or MPDS: Let me introduce you to the biggest little problem in leadership: Mega-Problem Denial Syndrome (MPDS). As often in life, it’s the little problems that turn out to be trickier and more troubling than the big ones—like postponing having that troublesome lump scanned because you’re too busy/scared/lazy. Certain... Read more →

My friend and colleague Melissa Rowe of Capture Greatness keeps a list she calls her "Oh sh*t, I DID that!" list where she captures all of her accomplishments for the year. Melissa does this as an annual exercise, but as another friend, Rebecca Fabiano pointed out earlier this week, spending some time at the end of each month thinking about this question can be a great strategy for giving you... Read more →

Every Friday, I'm posting about things I'm learning and sharing the resources and information I found most valuable during the week. Setting Some Appreciative Goals I'm currently reading Appreciative Leadership: Focus on What Works to Drive Winning Performance and Build a Thriving Organization and finding it to be a wealth of wonderful ideas for bringing appreciative inquiry into my daily practice. In setting my development goals for February, I've added... Read more →

As part of my goal in January to do more "Working out Loud," I'm experimenting with doing a Friday Roundup, sharing a few thoughts, links, etc. that have emerged from my work during the week that I think could be useful to you too. This week I had several holy sh*t moments related to how work is changing that I wanted to share. . . The Rise of the Robots... Read more →

3 Questions for Career Leadership

One of the videos we're using for the Leadership Lab is this TedTalk from Roselinde Torres on what it takes to be a great leader. In it, she identifies 3 questions that 21st century leaders should be asking themselves that I think apply to all of us who want to take charge of our careers. Where are you looking to anticipate change? Torres says: Great leaders are not heads down,... Read more →

Three Workplace Trends Women Should Know About

Over the past few weeks, some workplace trends have been showing up in my feeds that I think should be of particular concern to women. Age Discrimination Starts as Early as 35 PBS Newshour reports that age discrimination for women at work is now starting as early as 35. The older you get, the fewer callbacks you get. Employers report that their concerns about "older" workers range from "an inability... Read more →

As part of my goal in January to do more "Working out Loud," I'm experimenting with doing a Friday Roundup, sharing a few thoughts, links, etc. that have emerged from my work during the week that I think could be useful to you too. Working Out Loud: Yearbooks, Goal-Setting and Planning After I wrote my post a few weeks ago on using a Yearbook Journal to set goals and track... Read more →

This week I'm posting positive questions from the Encyclopedia of Positive Questions by Dianna Whitney and I'm inviting you to respond to those questions via comments so we can gather positive stories of our career growth and leadership. Visions of a Better World When work is in service to a larger purpose, it is life-giving and compelling. People want to contribute. They get great satisfaction from knowing that their work... Read more →

This week, I want to invite you to join me in exploring the best in your career--what gives you life and energy? What do you want MORE of? For the next few days, I'm going to post a positive question from the Encyclopedia of Positive Questions by Dianna Whitney and I'm going to invite you to respond to that question via comments so that we can gather stories of positive career experiences and learn together about what gives life to our work. Read more →

As Rebecca Fabiano and I continue to work on launching the Leadership Lab, I've been doing a lot of thinking about how I have some bad habits that get in the way of how I lead in my life and work. One of these is how I plan and organize things. As I reflected on 2015 over the holiday break, it became clear to me that I've fallen into the... Read more →