Liveblogging Instructional Design for the Semantic Web

Presentation was by Reuben Tozman President of EdCetra Training. He started with Father Guido Sarducci's 5-Minute University, based on what people remember 5 years after they graduate from college. Response to this is Personalized, Just-in-Time, Performance Support Training. Visual Thesaurus as an example of what's possible with semantic web. Build scenarios that are not based on yes/no answers, but bringing answers to people of what they need to have in... Read more →

Liveblogging Stephen Downes on PLEs at Brandon Hall

PLE is a way of viewing learning on the web--we're not centered on one application. Stephen's PLE: Store photos (Flickr) and video (Google video) Place to work collaboratively through Google docs. Way to stay up to date (Google Reader)--My note--only 4-5 people in this group of about 40 who use RSS!!! Way to save money on long-distance calls (Skype) Knowing where he's staying before he gets there (Google Maps) Way... Read more →

Liveblogging Opening Brandon Hall Session--Lisa Johnson

Lisa Johnson--"Don't Think Pink: Marketing to Women"--Her blog has some interesting info to check out. Lisa says, "Brandon Hall officially wins as most innovative conference in terms of technology that I've been to." We've been living in the land of Push for awhile. When movie studios were buying rights to Harry Potter, saw that kids were writing fan fiction, writing about Harry and the gang going to the prom, etc.... Read more →

Brandon Hall Pre-Conference: Our One-Page Social Media Guides and Women Bloggers Jam

It's 5 a.m. in San Jose. I'm sharing a room at the Brandon Hall conference with Christine Martell, so our room is strewn with various Apple products, including her new 3G iPhone and both of our MacBooks. Yesterday we did our pre-conference sessions. Janet Clarey and I ran an afternoon workshop on getting a jumpstart with social media where we showed people how to use the conference tags and wiki,... Read more →